One reason why I love the desert
Published on December 7, 2003 By crowbraid In Blogging
Ah, this is more like it. I'm sitting here in my camp chair, admiring the sheer beauty of a crimson sunrise. There's a mild east wind whipping through the saguaro by the camper, making it wave occasionally. Sasquatch is nearby, stalking a wayward stick that waggles in the wind. I'm sipping a cup of cowboy coffee and just allowing my mind to wander where it will, without barriers, without focus. Yeah, company is nice, but my privacy is damned nice too. Oh, I s'pose that I'll have company again early next month for a week, as Bud and June will be down here from Oregon to revel in the madness called Quartzsite. Hmm, that reminds me, I should go into town and pick out some Christmas cards to send out.

on Dec 07, 2003
Denial of x-mas stress, thats what it sounds to me - lucky who can do so, sounds like u have found your balance...
on Dec 09, 2003
Growing up on the res, Christmas shopping was rare. My family weren't Christian and that holiday mostly went unnoticed, except for a better quality of wine sometimes. I send out a few cards out of respect for my friends, but that's it.
