Sunny Delight in the desert...
Published on December 9, 2003 By crowbraid In Blogging
If the day is reasonably sunny, my batteries are fully charged by noon. Damn, but getting free power is cool. Well, it's not free, but all my expenses are up front. I've two AGM batteries, one 2000-watt inverter, and two 75 watt solar panels. I could have gotten by with less than a 2000 watt inverter, but I got a hell of a deal on it.

I run my laptop in the afternoon after the batteries are charged up, as then the solar power being generated just goes to waste otherwise. I have rechargeable batteries in my GPS and digital camera as well, so I plug the charger in at that time too (if the NiMH AA batteries need to be recharged, that is). Other then Jody for a few days and a few anonymous folks chugging by on ATVs, I'm alone except for Sasquatch. That's just the way I like it.
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