Published on August 26, 2010 By crowbraid In War of Magic

I've tried to teleport quite a few times, and have been successful only once. I have 10 mana. This is how I've tried..


1. Access spellbook of SOV.

2. Highlight Teleport and click Cast Spell

3. Move the shaded rectangle inside of city limits.

4. Click right button.

5. Nothing happens. I've tried clicking the left button. Nada. I've put the shaded rectangle outside of the city limits but inside the zone of control and clicked the right button. Nope. Tried the same thing with the left button. Nope.

How the hell is it done? Thanks for any and all help.

Oh, and thanks to the SD crew. The game is quite entertaining.


on Aug 26, 2010

Left click the target spot instead of right click.  As soon as you right click you cancel it all.  Works anywhere inside your influence/borders.

You say you've tried L-click but chances are you'd already done a R-click and canceled the spell.

Teleport is the best spell in the game (as it presently stands), IMO. 


on Aug 26, 2010

this may be limited by range ... friend of mine could not tp across map at least that's what he said heh heh

on Aug 26, 2010

Thanks, Vogar. I'll try that again, being careful of which button I click.

Twohawks: That might be my problem as well. IIRC, my party was 20-30 spaces away.

on Aug 26, 2010

You can not be in a city to do this. Exit the city you are in(if in one), then try to go to another

on Aug 26, 2010

I think I discovered my problem, mostly thanks to Vogar. In order to successfully teleport back to a city from the country, I have to move the shaded rectangle to an unoccupied square within the zone of control, then left click. I was doing one OR the other, but not both. Oh well.